Here We Discover the Ancient Journey Towards the Ancient Stars and Constellations.
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Amun The Hidden One
- in Real time ;)
Venus Morning star
The Planet Venus in Ancient Egypt

The concept of the Morning star is also known in today's astrology, are you a Morning or Evening star?
I do suspect that this astrology concept descends from the ancient Egyptian ;)
What Does the Morning Star mean?
It has always meant; Venus visible before the sun rise = Morning Star...
Great Ennead
What is it Really? and how does it fit into the ancient Egyptian belief system?
The Great Ennead is also known as the Nine-Gods, this is one of the creation myths of the cosmos, that which was before man and animals.
These gods and goddess changed from priesthood to priesthood, but always containing certain creator gods.
Astro Trips in Luxor Egypt
- Awesome Little Tip!
Watch the Stars while You are in Egypt!
Some years back I was staying at St. Josephs hotel in Luxor city in Egypt, I really Love that Hotel.
One day I went through the reception area and saw the most attractive add ever!
Low and Behold finally someone had the right idea, and was sharing it with all of us.